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Studi generici
Caswell, T. Andrew, Laakso, Emmi K. , Prewitt-Freilino, Jennifer L., “The Gendering of Language: A Comparison of Gender Equality in Countries with Gendered, Natural Gender, and Genderless Languages”, Sex Roles, 66, pp. 268-281, 2012.
Eppler, Eva, Pichler, Pia, ed., Gender and Spoken Interaction, Palgrave Macmillan, Londra, 2009.
Ging, Debbie, Siapera, Eugenia, Gender Hate Online. Understanding the New Anti-Feminism, Palgrave Macmillan, Londra, 2019.
Hall, Kira, Levon, Erez, Milani, Tommaso M., “Navigating Normativities: Gender and Sexuality in Text and Talk”, Language in Society, 48(4), pp. 481-489, 2019.
Hellinger, Marlis, Bußmann, Hadumon, ed., Gender Across Languages (vol. 1-2-3), John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 2001.
Holmes, Janet, Meyerhoff, Miriam, ed., The Handbook of Language and Gender, Blackwell Publishing, 2003.
Jule, Allyson, ed., Gender and the Language of Religion, Palgrave Macmillan, Londra, 2005.
Menegatti, Michela, Rubini, Monica, Giles, Howard, Harwood, Jake, ed., “Gender Bias and Sexism in Language”, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication vol.1, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 451-468, 2017.
Lingua cinese
Deng, Yichen, “The Alienation of Women's Discourse on Chinese Social Media”, SHS Web Conf., 162, 2023
Fan, Carol C., “Language, Gender, and Chinese Culture”, International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, Vol. 10(1), pp. 95-114, 1996.
Huang Chu-Ren, Jing-Schmidt Zhuo, Meisterernst, Barbara, ed., The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Applied Linguistics, Routledge, New York, 2019.
In particolare l’articolo: Chan Marjorie K.M., Lin Yuhan, “Chinese language and gender research”, The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Applied Linguistics, Routledge, New York, pp. 165-181, 2019.
Jiang Aiqi, Yang Xiaohan, Liu Yang, Zubiaga Arkaitz, “SWSR: A Chinese dataset and lexicon for online sexism detection”, Online Social Networks and Media, 27, 2022,
Jiang Aiqi, Zubiaga Arkaitz,“SexWEs: Domain-Aware Word Embeddings via Cross-Lingual Semantic Specialisation for Chinese Sexism Detection in Social Media”, Proceedings of the Seventeenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2023),, 2023.
Jing-Schmidt Zhuo, Peng Xinjia, "The sluttified sex: Verbal misogyny reflects and reinforces gender order in wireless China”, Language in Society, 47, pp. 385–408, 2018.
Li Shuang 李爽* ,“模因论视角下英汉语性别歧视词语探析 (An Analysis of Sexist Words in English and Chinese from the Perspective of Memetics)”, Chinese Language and Literature 中国语言文学, 2(2), pp. 17-21, 2023.
Moser, David, “Cover Sexism in Mandarin Chinese”, Sino-Platonic Papers, 74, 1997.
Sluchinski, Kerry, Animate ‘It’ and Genderless ‘Comrade’: Third Person Pronoun ta and Degrees of Belonging in Chinese LGBTQ Discourses, tesi di Dottorato in Applied Linguistics presso il Dipartimento di Lingue Moderne e Cultural Studies dell’Università dell’Alberta, 2021.
Tan Dali, “Sexism in the Chinese Language”, NWSA Journal, 2(4), pp. 635-639, 1990.
Tao, Baiqiang, “Research into sexism in language testing & its implications to language testing in China”, The 2007 International Conference on Language Testing, Nov. 3-4, 2007, Beijing, China.
Wei Wang, ed., Analysing Chinese Language and Discourse across Layers and Genres, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 2020.
Zhou Yueling, "Analysis of Sexism in English and Chinese Proverbs”, Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 12(2), pp. 188-194, 2022.
Barlow T. E., The Question of Women in Chinese Feminism, Duke University Press, 2004.
Chang Jiang, Ren Hailong, Yang Qiguang, "A virtual gender asylum? The social media profile picture, young Chinese women’s self-empowerment, and the emergence of a Chinese digital feminism", International Journal of Cultural Studies, 21:3, 325-240, 2018.
Dong Y., "Does China Have a Feminist Movement from the Left?", Made in China Journal, 2019.
Dong Y., "The Rise and Fall of the Anti-Domestic Violence Network", China Development Brief, 2014.
Edwards L., Gender, Politics and Democracy: Women's Suffrage in China, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2008.
Feng X., "Chinese Feminisms Encounter International Feminisms", International Feminist Journal of Politics, 11:2,196-215, 2009.
Howell J., "Women's Organizations and Civil Society in China Making a Difference", International Feminist Journal of Politics, 5:2, 191-215, 2003.
Hsiung P., Jaschok M., Milwertz C., Red C., ed., Chinese women organizing : cadres, feminists, muslims, queers, Oxford, Berg, 2001.
Leung A.S.M., "Feminism in Transition: Chinese Culture, Ideology and the Development of the Women’s Movement in China", Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 20, 359–374, 2003.
Tan J., "Digital masquerading: Feminist media activism in China", Crime Media Culture, 13:2, 171–186, 2017.
Xiao H., "Searching for an online space for feminism? The Chinese feminist group Gender Watch Women’s Voice and its changing approaches to online misogyny", Feminist Media Studies, 2018, .
Wang B., "Engaging Nüquanzhuyi: The Making of a Chinese Feminist Rhetoric", College English, 72:4, 385-405, Marzo 2010.
Wang Z., Zhang Y., "Global Concepts, Local Practices: Chinese Feminism since the Fourth UN Conference on Women", Feminist Studies, 36:1, 40-70, Spring 2010.
Wu A. X., Dong Y., "What is Made-in-China Feminism(s)? Gender Discontent and Class Friction in Post-Socialist China", Critical Asian Studies, 51:4, 471-492, 2019.
Caple T., "Rice Bunnies in China's #MeToo: Discussion of a Feminist Movement under Censorship", Honors Thesis, The University of Mississippi, 2019.
Mistreau S., "China’s #MeToo Activists Have Transformed a Generation", Foreign Policy, 2019.
Parkin S., Feng J., "China’s #MeToo movement, explained", SupChina, 2019.
Jacka T., "Chinese discourses on rurality, gender and development: a feminist critique", Journal of Peasant Studies, 40:6, 983-1007, 2013.
Liu F., Gendered Words: Sentiments and Expression in Changing Rural China, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015.
Zheng T., Ethnographies of Prostitution in Contemporary China: Gender Relations, HIV/AIDS, and Nationalism, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
Bao Hongwei, Queer China: Lesbian and Gay Literature and Visual Culture under Postsocialism, London, New York, Routledge, 2020.
Liu F., Gendered Words: Sentiments and Expression in Changing Rural China, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015.
Bao Hongwei, "‘We Are Here’: the politics of memory in narrating China’s queer feminist history", Continuum, 34:4, 514-529, 2020.
Bao Hongwei, "‘We Are Here’: the politics of memory in narrating China’s queer feminist history", Continuum, 34:4, 514-529, 2020.
Brownell S., Wasserstrom J.N., ed., Chinese Femininities, Chinese Masculinities: a Reader, University of California Press, 2002.
Evans H., "The Scientific Construction of Sexuality and Gender in the People's Republic of China", Signs, 20:2, 357-294, 1995.
Evans H., "Sexed Bodies, Sexualized Identities, and the Limits of Gender", China Information, 22:2, 361-384, 2008.
Evans H., The Subject of Gender Daughters and Mothers in Urban China, Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc., 2008.
Honig E., "Socialist Sex: The Cultural Revolution Revisited", Modern China , 29:2, pp. 143-175, April 2003.
Mann S.L., Gender and Sexuality in Modern Chinese History, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Homosexuality in ancient China
Ameng di Wu, La manica tagliata, a cura di Giovanni Vitiello, Palermo, Sellerio editore, 1990.
Hinsch B., Passions of the Cut Sleeve: The Male Homosexual tradition in China, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1990.
Shi Ye 施晔 , 中国古代文学中的同性恋书写研究 Zhongguo gudai wenxue zhong de tongxinglian shuxie yanjiu (Studio sulla scrittura omosessuale nella letteratura cinese antica), Shanghai, Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2008.
Stevenson M., Wu Cuncun (eds. & trans.), Homoeroticism in Late Imperial China: a sourcebook, London, Routledge, 2012.
Vitiello G., The Libertine's Friend: Homosexuality and Masculinity in Late Imperial China, Chicago, Chicago University Press, 2011.
Wu Cuncun, Homoerotic Sensibilities in Late Imperial China, London, Routledgecurzon, 2004.
Xiaomingxiong 小明雄 , 中国同性爱史录 Zhongguo tongxing'ai shilv (La storia dell'omosessualità in Cina), Hong Kong, Fenhong sanjiao chubanshe, 1997.
Homosexuality in modern and contemporary China
Bao Hongwei, Queer Comrades: Gay Identity and Tongzhi Activism in Postsocialist China, Copenhagen, Nias press, 2018.
Bao Hongwei, Queer China: Lesbian and Gay Literature and Visual Culture under Postsocialism, London, New York, Routledge, 2020.
Chou Wah-shan, Tonghzi: Politics of Same-Sex Eroticism in Chinese Societies, New york, Haworth press, 2000.
Engebretsen E. L., Queer Women in Urban China: An Ethnography, New York, Routedge, 2013.
Engebretsen E. L., Schroeder W.F., Bao H. (ed.) Queer/Tongzhi China: New Perspectives on Research, Activism and Media Cultures, Copenhagen, Nias press, 2015.
Kam L. Y. L., Shanghai Lalas: Female Tongzhi Communities and Politics in Urban China, Hong Kong, Hong Kong university press, 2012.
Kong T. S. K., Chinese Male Homosexualities Memba, tongzhi and golden boy, London; New York, Routedge, 2011.
Tze-Lan Deborah Sang, The Emerging Lesbian: Female Same-sex Desire in Modern China, Chicago, University of chicago press, 2003.
Wenqing Kang, Obsession: Male Same-Sex Relations in China, 1900-1950 , Hong kong, Hong kong university press, 2010.
Birge B., Women, Property, and Confucian Reaction in Sung and Yüan China (960–1368), Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Cheng W., City of Working Women: Life, Space, and Social Control in Early Twentieth-Century Beijing, Berkley, Institute of Asian Studies, 2011.
Edwards L., Gender, Politics and Democracy: Women's Suffrage in China, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2008.
Edwards L., "Policing the Modern Woman in Republican China", Modern China , 26:2, 115-147, April 2000.
Wong Y. L. "Women's education in traditional and modern China", Women's History Review, 4:3, 345-367, 1995.
Yang Wenqi, Yan Fei, "The annihilation of femininity in Mao’s China: Gender inequality of sent-down youth during the Cultural Revolution", China Information, 31:1, 63-82, 2017.
Dal Lago F, “Crossed Legs in 1930s Shanghai: how ‘Modern’ the Modern Woman?”, East Asian History, 19, Canberra: Australia, National University Press, 2000.
Hockx M., Judge J., Mittler B. (ed.), Women and the Periodical Press in China’s Long Twentieth Century, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Johnston Laing E. , Selling Happiness. Calendar Posters and Visual Culture in Early Twentieth-Century Shanghai, Honolulu, University of Hawai’I Press, 2004.
Zito A., E. Barlow Tani (ed.), Body, Subject and Power in China, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1994.
Finnane A., Changing Clothes in China. Fashion, History, Nation, New York, Columbia University Press, 2008.
Finnane A., “What Should Chinese Women Wear? A National Problem”, Modern China, 22:2, New York, Sage Publications, 1996.
Wah Man E. K. , Bodies in China. Aesthetics, Gender, and Politics, Albany, State University of New York Press, 2016.
Bittner Wiseman M., Liu Y., Subversive strategies in contemporary Chinese art, Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2011.
Hopfener B., Negotiating Difference. Chinese Contemporary Art in the Global Context, Weimar, VDG, 2012.
Cui Shuqin (ed.), "(En)gendering. Chinese Women’s art in the making", Positions: asia critique, 28:1, Durham, Duke
University Press, 2020.
Cui Shuqin, Gendered bodies. Toward a Women’s Visual Art in Contemporary China, Honolulu, University of Hawai’I Press, 2016.
Dysart D., Fink H., Asian women artists, Roseville, Craftsman House, 1996.
Welland S. Su-Ling, “What Women Will Have Been. Reassessing Feminist Cultural Production in China. A Review Essay”, Signs, 31:4, Boston,Northeastern University Press, 2006.
Welland S. Su-Ling, Experimental Beijing. Gender and Globalization in Chinese Contemporary Art, Durham, Duke University Press, 2018.
Erickson B., “The rise of a feminist spirit in Contemporary Chinese art”, Art AsiaPacific, 31, Hong Kong, 2001.
Merlin M., "Gender (still) matters in Chinese contemporary art", Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, 6:1, Birmingham, Intellect, 2019.